עמותת מתנדבים ישראלים וקוריאנים

Visiting Holocaust Surviviors
Today Holocaust Survivors still living in Israel are less than 198,000.
- Survivor Adoption Program
- Survivor Visitation
- Events Program
- Home Renovation
- Volunteer Program

Capernaum Project
In Capernaum, which was the center of Jesus’ ministry, Jesus healed and comforted those who have come for Him; in fact, he also rested there.
Residing in the Volunteer Center,
we want to reach out to people by providing various services
such as renovating and painting houses or providing house choirs for different families in Israel.
We also want to comfort and provide a place to rest for the volunteers who are serving God’s people.
The volunteer center will be an imperative comforting space for volunteers to restore their physical and spiritual strength to serve Israelis. In addition, it will be a place for volunteers to learn through different courses and gain knowledge how to share the Gospel.
It will be a dwelling place for volunteers to embrace Israel through sharing life,
worshiping the Lord, and praying for Israel; furthermore it will be a place to dedicate their lives to commit themselves for the glory of God’s Kingdom.

Bethesda Project
Two thousand years ago, when Jesus visited the house of mercy, called Bethesda, in Jerusalem, here were a great number of disabled people used to lie—the blind, the lame, the paralyzed (John 5:3 NIV).
Amongst them, Jesus paid close attention to a person who had been sick for 38 years and completely healed him.
We want to establish this “House of Mercy” in Israel for those who have been ill for a long period of time.
We would like to change their despair into hope.
This house will provide pleasant environment to live in, and above all, it will be a place full of God’s mercy and grace.

Samaria Project
Although living in the same land but separated by poverty and social discrimination,
we want to establish welfare facilities (i.e. schools for the disabled, rehabilitation hospital) to take care of Palestinian neighbors.

Jabez Project
We want to substitute old and broken wheelchairs, beds, beddings, phones, desks, fans, and computers, which they have not been able to change due to insufficient funding, through the support of many companies.

Shiloam Project
We want to invite the disabled from Korea to Israel, where Jesus healed the many.
We want them to feel the breath of Jesus and open up their spiritual eyes.
Moreover, we want to provide opportunities for the disabled from Israel to visit Korea or other nations.

Bartimaeus Project
As Jesus and his disciples, together with a large crowd, were leaving the city,
he heard a desperate cry from hordes of followers. Among them was he.
He was a blind man, Bartimaeus (which means “son of Timaeus”).
He could not see, but he heard the good news about Jesus of Nazareth.
Then, he started crying out loud among the big crowd.
“Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” [Mark 10:47]
Jesus stopped and called him.
Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus.
All he wanted was to see. [Mark 10:51]
In Israel, it is costly to buy a new set of eyeglasses.
As a result, many unprivileged are struggling with their old and out of date prescription glasses.
Despite multiple cleaning and polishing of the glasses,
they are viewing the murky world with the murky glasses.
We want to share the joy of seeing the world clearly by providing right prescription glasses with our optician-minister.
Through this project, we not only hope to brighten their physical eyes but also their spiritual eyes.